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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Aurora Aragon-Quezon online, a website dedicated to the late Aurora Aragon-Quezon, first First Lady of the Philippines, whose life and Christian virtues are worthy to be extolled and emulated by all.  

Our Mission


Our mission is to promote the life and holiness of Aurora Aragon-Quezon, a great Catholic Filipina known for her charitable acts and devotion to Our Lord and Blessed Mother. 

Proposed Cause


"Thus it is evident to everyone, that all the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status, are called to the
fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity; by this holiness as such a more human 
manner of living is promoted in this earthly society.

Prayer for Healing


Every Thursday - the day when Mrs. Quezon passed away - wherever you are, please join us in saying this prayer. 

An Appeal


Fr. Jun Arvie Bello, Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Cubao, wrote to Pietro Albano (Lead Petitioner) on Tuesday 25 July 2017 to say that the Bishop of Cubao, Most Rev. Honesto Ongtioco, DD, was unable to act on the petition because Mrs. Quezon’s widespread “reputation of holiness” and “reputation of intercessory power” have not yet been established. As a result, we would like to ask your help by:


(1) reprinting and distributing copies of the Aurora Aragon-Quezon booklet and prayer (If you need a copy, please e-mail:;

(2) saying the Healing Prayer especially every Thursdays (in memory of the day when she died);

(3) doing a work of mercy - Mrs. Quezon was known for her works of mercy;

(4) collecting written testimonies from people who may have known her;

(5) collecting written testimonies of special favors received through Mrs. Quezon’s intercession;

(6) Joining other supporters/inviting others by liking the FB page created in her honor:;


5. We need to have a core group in the Philippines who will coordinate our awareness drive, collect testimonies, communicate with the Diocese, etc. If you are based in the Philippines and would like to volunteer, please contact Pietro Albano. 


Thank you in anticipation of your support. God bless us through Dona Aurora's intercession!


God is good!

If you have received any special graces or favours from heaven which you believe to have been granted as a result of Doña Aurora's intercession, we would be pleased to hear about them.  Please click 

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